Hi, I’m Hannah!
An Anxious stay-at-home mom turned copywriter and social media strategist.

Hannah Donor in black pantsuit in front of white wall with wing art

I have been an online business owner since 2016, specializing in Copywriting and Social Media Strategy, and it has seriously transformed my life.

I truly believe God has provided for me financially and emotionally through the entrepreneur world, because before starting my business I quite honestly was a directionless, anxious mess of a woman. It’s amazing what a push in the right direction and God’s timing can do to show you what He makes you capable of doing!

I found the lifestyle i was looking for when i started my online business.

Being able to work and make money from home has empowered me to continue being a full-time at-home mommy to my two boys while still paying the bills. It has allowed my wonderful, hard-working husband to leave his high-paying but utterly miserable career and pursue his real passion: ministry. It has given me the opportunity to do what I love - connecting with people, managing projects, and writing writing writing - while living the lifestyle I always dreamed of but never thought possible.

You don’t have to be some expert or genius to start your own online business from home.

You don’t need a college degree to justify you or an MLM to support you - you literally need a phone, a computer, and internet access. The rest is easily teachable, effortlessly accessible, and really, just the kind of thing you learn by doing. I want to share my mistakes and my victories and my best advice so you can start and grow your own online business and experience the same level of freedom I enjoy every day.

Welcome to my little corner of the internet!