What to Give the Entrepreneur in Your LIfe for Christmas

Whether you're shopping for an entrepreneur or a loved one who works from home, getting them a gift they'll actually use is one of the best ways to show your support for their career!

We entrepreneurial types can sometimes get too focused on the output expenses and not spend enough of our revenue on self care. And no, I don't mean massages or candles or pretty clothes. I mean the tangible, practical tools that make the work day comfortable and efficient.

So here's my entrepreneur wishlist of all the things I wish I had when I first started out, that I would have loved to receive as gifts during the holidays!

Big Ticket Items

If you're shopping for someone very close to you and have a larger gift budget, helping them create the perfect work from home set-up is a great way you can support them!

Practical Presents

Not everyone has the budget to gift computers to their loved ones, so here are a few other options that are just as helpful for the entrepreneur in your life.

Just for Fun

If they already have all the necessary essentials for running their business, give your entrepreneur bestie something more fun or inspiring!

Gifts That Cost Nothing

You don't even have to spend money to show your support for your small business owner friend! A handwritten note of encouragement telling them how proud you are can mean so much more than a generic gift. Helping promote their business by sharing it with your friends and family is a huge way you can support them (and around the holidays, this can be a real blessing for product-based business owners!)

Whatever you decide on, just know any gesture of support will mean the world to them. It's not easy working for yourself and can feel very isolating. We just like to know our friends and family are these for us throughout!


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